Bob Singha – Master Youth Coach

Master Youth Coach, Community Coaching Academy (CCA)

Bob Singha – Master Youth Coach

Master Youth Coach, Community Coaching Academy (CCA)


Bob Singha is a Master Youth Coach and Consultant. He has worked with and for young people, parents, teachers and youth workers for over 18 years.

He was the co founder of the Youth Coaching Academy and Director until 2007. Before that he was part of Involve’s senior management team where he designed and managed many innovative projects some of which are now regarded as international best practice.

More recently he has worked as a coaching consultant for UK organisations DCSF, the Metropolitan Police, Lambeth, Southwark, Coreplan, Spark Inside, Magnificent Generation and Coram.

Bob has led and help to design various projects working with diverse groups including drug users, CEO’s of multinational companies, teachers, offenders, excluded pupils, police officers and graffiti artists.

In 2011, Bob was recognised by the RSA for his “groundbreaking work with young people and commitment to reach disadvantaged communities”. He currently serves as the CEO for the Community Coaching Academy.

The CCA helps communities design, develop and deliver their own sustainable coaching services. Bob has spent most of his career helping communities who have previously been labelled, hard to reach, marginalised and at risk, design solutions to their own challenges.