Certain Hope in an Uncertain World – Clarifying, Legitimising, Measuring and Leading Systemic Pathways of Recovery, Regeneration and Enduring Renewal

Wed 2nd Dec 2015


GMT [London]:  14:00

EST  [New York]:  09:00

PST  [Los Angeles]:  06:00

CET  [Rome]:  15:00

IST  [Mumbai]:  19:30

AWST  [Perth]:  22:00

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Session Summary:

There are many signs that we are in a transition to a new era which will be expressed through conversation and experience as a new quality of all life across all scales of existence. 

A growing consumer led demand for ‘true inner and outer wellness’ invites an inspired scrutiny of every basic assumption of how we can recover the vitality of self, family, society, and planet.

Whilst the apparent safety of ‘Human Doing’ creates an inevitable inertia, an inexorable and innate pathway to ‘Human Being’ is being informed and legitimised by a new depth of science and spirituality that offers comprehensive all-of-life aware metaphors, theories and associated practice.

In their presentation Christopher and Sheila Cooke will draw upon their international experience as coaches, mentors, trainers and facilitators who apply the clarifying science of human emergence to provide the context, meaning and navigational aids for the pursuit of a new way forward.

They assert that on the  other side of the release of the latent potential of ‘Human Being’, and recovery of wellness, there is a certain hope of enduring regeneration and renewal; a new platform for wise human dominion.

In this session we will:


Discover the significance of an ‘Integral Stance’ for the coaching of Recovery, Wellness, and HealthCare



Explore an ‘Holistic Context’ for all aspects of biological, pyschological, cultural and social systems vitality



Become aware of the patterns of emergence in the ‘human psyche’ and the latent potential for all



Gain a sense of the scale of the ‘fundamental reframing’ that is underway for which coaching plays a significant role



Ponder the scale of the opportunity – if only we could learn how to grow into the change that is happening – naturally!


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