David Stanton – Psychotherapist

Owner of EDAS - International psychotherapist, supervisor, consultant, trainer and manager

Bob Griffiths – Coach, creator of CoachMaster™ software

Coach, creator of CoachMaster™ software

Kenneth Chance – CEO/Founder

CEO / Founder of Arrowhead Lodge

Michele Grant – Coach and mindfulness-based resilience trainer

Coach and mindfulness-based resilience trainer, Co Director Rising Minds

Andrew A Parsons PhD, ACC, PMC – Coach

Executive and Medical Coach. Founder and Director Reciprocal Minds Limited a Wellbeing and Performance Consultancy

Joyce Odidison – PCC, CTDP

Founder of the Wellness Improvement Coach Training Program

Edna Murdoch – Co-Founder and Chief Executive of the CSA

Co-Founder and Chief Executive of the CSA

Kripi Malviya – Mental Health Therapist

Creator of TATVA - Mental Health Therapist

Liz Hall – Coach and Mindfulness Trainer

Award-winning journalist, coach and mindfulness teacher/trainer

Louise Le Gat – Founder and CEO of Positive Energy Living

Founder and CEO of Positive Energy Living

Philippa Weitz – Expert in the UK on counselling and psychotherapy online

Expert in the UK on counselling and psychotherapy online

Jean LaCour – CEO, Educator, Author, Professional Recovery Coach

CEO, Educator, Author, Professional Recovery Coach

Elaine Patterson – International Master Coach and Accredited Supervisor

Coaching Supervision Academy's Director: Creative Development

Karen Florence – Senior VP FRC International

Executive Transformational Coach

Ursula Pottinga, CPCC, PCC, BCC

Co-Founder, COO BEabove Leadership

Bob Singha – Master Youth Coach

Master Youth Coach, Community Coaching Academy (CCA)

Paul Brown – Faculty Professor, Organizational Neuroscience, Author

Faculty Professor, Organizational Neuroscience, Author