Fostering health & well-being among HIV positive gay men

Session Summary:

Quantum Leap, in partnership with Living Well CIC, developed a wellbeing programme based on the principles of positive psychology, cognitive behavioural coaching and neuroscience, specifically designed to benefit HIV-positive gay men.

The programme takes a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, focusing on the day-to-day challenges faced by these men, in terms of their HIV status, sexuality and social context. It includes workshops as well as group and individual coaching, providing ongoing support and serving as a platform for personal development and growth.

Whilst one of the foci, in terms of health policy, has been on preventing and tackling risky sexual behaviour, we believe that focusing on the person (as opposed to their illness) and fostering a positive approach to life have been tremendously beneficial.

One of the programme’s main aim is to help HIV-positive men to feel empowered and confident to create the lives they want for themselves, where their health and wellbeing play a key enabling role.

In this session we will explore:


The importance of coaching-related programmes for gay men with HIV



Considerations when working with this group



Wellbeing, quality of life & risky behaviour



Theoretical underpinnings on which the programme was developed



Beyond sexual health: setting a new agenda to support gay men with HIV


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