If You’re A Coach, I’m A Brain Surgeon!

Session Summary:

Coaches are at a crucial point in history in terms of Identity. For many years anyone has been able to call himself or herself a coach without any question of education being asked.

There has never been a time when it is more important than today for coaches to claim their profession. This is particularly true in health to wellness coaching.

The healthcare payer industry is using our hard won credibility and reputation to make huge profits while certified coaches are left standing at the door.

In this session, Karen will cover:



Claiming our Identity as coaches



What is a Health to Wellness Coach really? Is it different than standard coaching?



How do we get in the game?



Can we have full time Health Coach Practices?


FIVE50x49How to be the standard bearer in Health and Wellness Coaching.



Session Takeaways, gifts and links…


This where we will make available to you valuable and useful materials that will support the session. Check back here once the session is over to see what is available.