Expanding the Continuum of Addiction Care: From Pathology to Wellness in Long Term Recovery
Session Summary:
Rapid system transformation is here! Leaders in Addiction and Behavioral Health Care, Helping Professionals and Professional Coaches must have a working knowledge of the non-clinical services emerging from the potency of the Modern Global Recovery Movement. It is important to have a clear understanding of Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC) as the organizing construct for non-clinical services that are changing the landscape of the addiction profession in years to come.
Learn how the ROSC paradigm helps you to support your clients to move into long term recovery and to expand your services during the rapid shift from an acute care model for addiction services to a long term care model with extended support services. This shift is best understood as the evolution of the Addiction field from a pathology or problem-focused stage, through an intervention-focused stage, into the emerging solution-focused recovery stage.
Discover how Professional Coaches who add a Specialty in Addiction Recovery are ideally positioned to serve an expanding niche with a growing stream of clients who are in recovery and looking for support from someone who understands. The value of your practice increases when you add a Specialty in Addiction Recovery as a new engagement tool and strategy.
Participants will learn a practical and positive metaphor for quickly recognizing an array of non-clinical roles that formalize the role of “Peers” or people in personal recovery within the workplace of clinical behavioral health and addiction treatment. The energy, insight and capability of Peers have made them valuable team members who embody hope for recovery for both clients and staff.
Appreciate the potential for increased revenue and effectiveness for you and your organization in this exciting season of transformation.
(registration for live webinar, Roundtable webinar replays, 3 full Ebooks, articles, etc.)
In this session we explored:
Utilize a practical metaphor for quickly recognizing an array of non-clinical Recovery roles with their scope of practice including 12 Step Sponsors, Addiction Recovery Support Workers, and Mental Health Peer Specialists.
Understand the purpose of Recovery Oriented Systems of Care in promoting continuing care and assertive linkages to a variety of community services designed to increase “Recovery Capitol” .
Apply “The Coaching Stance” to shift the focus from Recovery Capitol to Rediscovering the Authentic Self.
Identify four target populations on the continuum of substance misuse problems and identify two groups that would potentially benefit most from a Professional Coach Specializing in Addiction Recovery.
Recognize that Professional Coaches with a Specialty in Addiction Recovery are positioned to serve an expanding niche with a growing client base using Recovery as a new engagement tool and strategy.