Heart and mind fusion: the hidden gift of your nervous system to help us create well being, success and joy
Session Summary:
Our nervous system is a marvelous gift whose potential we are only beginning to realise. In a future set to be dominated by machines, and a world in conflict, it is our humanity that offers us the greatest competitive edge.
The connection between heart and mind and its power for safeguarding our wellbeing, creating thriving conditions for all and living in joy must be appreciated, nurtured and purposefully developed.
This is the work of many people and I am part of it. For me, the magic key to it rests in our nervous system, how it develops, matures and functions and how we can use this knowledge to help us reconnect with our bodies and the deep wisdom within to live better lives.
In my research I have discovered that heart and mind alignment and fusion heals, creates sustainable results and attracts others because it is how we are wired to function.
In this seminar I will speak about the journey I took in service of developing others and how I learned this. Supplementing this perspective, I will share practical tools from my first book Get Productive! to help listeners develop lasting effectiveness.