Presenters for IRWCC

Hi there,

We are hoping to have the widest possible range of points of view at the conference.

If you would like to participate and present a webinar / video session please read the following.

Presentation topics guidelines for online sessions:

We are aiming to provide useful, clear information for people who are engaging with conference sessions, your audience. Emphasis is on tangible learning and information.

We ask presenters to provide as many takeaways as possible for the delegates in the form of documents, video, podcast, links to sites, trials of products and details of training where applicable etc.

There is no limit or restriction to how the material is put together. It could be all written for instance or mixed with audio and video. We will put a recording of your conference session into the package of course.

If you have publications that are relevant then we can link to a place where participants can purchase your books.

It may well be that you have training programmes and courses that those interested can engage with as a result of the conference and we hope you will be able to include information on how they may do that.

The material will be made into a package (which we will compile once you have made the materials available to us), linked to your profile and the conference session on the conference site (registered delegates only) where it can be accessed and downloaded.

The package will be aligned to a clear title of the topic you will be talking on at the conference.

The IRWCC Conference is focused around a question.

How we might improve the way we work and think about assisting people to be well, recover from illnesses and health challenges?

This cuts across all sectors of our societies and includes all kinds of organisations.

Presenters are asked to contextualize their work within this over all question. It may be thinking about how leadership can work more effectively to develop and maintain human health or about how cultural contexts influence and impact on human health and meeting ill heath challenges. Or it may about how we can use technology to deliver better services and outcomes.

Please be aware that the conference is not a pitching or selling session. Sessions that are essentially sales pitches will not be published.

Having said that we know that you will have valuable programmes and offerings. You may list any links to your services and organisation on the webinar session page in the allotted space.

This is a good opportunity for all involved.

For you it widens your audience and can specifically allow those interested in your work to engage directly with it and you. It also shares your experience and perspectives with our audience. (if that is what you wish).

For the participants it allows them to gain knowledge, insight, practical ideas,  skills and materials that they are interested in and that can enhance their services and, where relevant, their organisations.

For the conference mission it means we are focusing on providing useful, unique and important information and skills that we hope will improve healthcare practices and outcomes and of course develop coaching as a vital new resource.

There are 3 ways that the webinars can be delivered.

  1. Facilitated by one of our conference facilitation team with the presenter.
  2. Presented with a colleague you work with (in which case we will need their details too)
  3. Presented on your own 

In all cases there will be an IRWCC conference team member with presenters before and during the session.

Presenters will not have to manage the conference system. (keeping it easy)

What is important to remember is that the session needs to have a shelf life of at least 12 months so while it is great to work with the audience on the day we also want to remember that far more people will access it over the next few months.


IRWCC is a non profit event. It is run by the FRC UK CIC which a community interest company. We ask for donations from registered users to access some of the conference library in certain ways. The max cost for this is $69. To be clear your session will always be free to whoever wishes to watch is during the conference and afterwards.

We are also funding the conference through sponsorships.

We plan to break even and use any surplus to develop the IRWCC further in the coming years.

If you have any questions please get in touch.

Anthony Eldridge-Rogers

IRWC Conference Chair